Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Seo - Copywriting For Results

In order for a website to have good results in the search engine results it
needs to have a number of key elements.

The first element is copy, without much copy your website will never rank

This is because search engines have programs called spiders which go out and
scour the web - they read and index text.

The spiders cannot read pictures, flash or pretty designs. Many website
owners or website designers are obsessed with creating sites that look good.
Unfortunately, a great looking website with no visitors is worse than a bad
looking website with lots of visitors.

As previously mentioned search engine spiders recognise certain text, this
text is called "Keywords".

Keywords are individual words or phrases that you would like your website to
rank for.

Now everyone wants their website to rank for single words like:
"Watches". However, this is not suggested because single word phrases are
too generic and competition is fierce for single word search terms.

So, apart from not being able to rank for the word, you won't get the right
type of customers ringing you.

Instead of people wanting to buy a cheap watch, you will get people ringing
you wanting to buy a Rolex.

The best advice is to go after two or three word search terms that are
specific to your business.

Now chose as many keywords as possible and spread them throughout your
website text. I would suggest repeating your primary keyword phrase at least
five times throughout your copy. The ideal number should be between ten and
twenty times.

Your website should be content rich, you need it to have many pages with
text that has your keywords spread throughout your website.

There is one last formula that you need to consider and that is keyword

This is how many times your keywords appear on a page.

For example: If you have 300 words on a page, and your keywords appear 50
times your keyword density of 15%. I would not suggest having a keyword
density of more than 20%.

About The Author: Chris Angus is a website promoter and SEO. He helps to
promote a number of sites He can be contacted at

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