Saturday, November 25, 2006

SEO Copywriting Hucksters Exposed: "Anybody Can Do It"

If you are shopping for an SEO company, there are two things you should know
about the content aspect of any search engine optimization strategy:

1. Properly optimized copy is hugely important to the search engines, right
up there with link popularity and spider friendly coding. Run like the wind
if you encounter an SEO company that doesn't understand the significance of
content or offers shoddy, cookie cutter style copywriting.

2. The proof is in the pudding. Always ask to see samples or visit websites
they have optimized so you can scope out their content for yourself. Be very

Here's why.

As an SEO copywriter who's been around for while, I sometimes receive
invitations from SEO companies looking for freelancers to write optimized
content. Usually they want writers who will churn out thousands of words for
a few bucks.

Recently, I received one of those email invitations from a UK-based SEO
firm. And when you read the following, I want you to pay particular
attention to the stark difference between the pitch they use to entice
writers to work for them, and the sales pitch they present on their website
to entice SEO clients.

First of all, here's what their website tells the public:
"(Name of company) will provide: A team of experienced content writers who
are trained in writing quality Search Engine Optimised Content. "

Now take a look at the qualifications they are actually looking for when
they seek out copywriters to work for them. This is a direct quote from
their invitation to freelance writers:

"Writing the content is simply a case of cutting and pasting different bits
of information, whilst adhering to a few easy rules such as beginning each
opening sentence with a key word etc, it is not necessary to have a
journalism background, anybody can do it!"

Aside from being misleading and insulting to web writers, this approach
totally ignores one crucial fact of online content: human beings read it.
Human beings make buying decisions based upon it.
And human beings know the difference between a slap dash cut-and- paste job,
and informative benefit-laden content that instills trust and creates an
appetite for a product or service.

What's even more insidious about these SEO companies is that often their
copywriting services are embedded as part of a total package deal. Many
prospects will simply look at the optimization services listed, check the
price tag, and sign the contract... and then suffer buyers remorse for the
duration of the deal.

How To Avoid SEO Buyers Remorse:

-Before signing that paper, review the SEO company's portfolio of work

-Visit their clients' websites and read the copy. Would it persuade you?

-If possible, make contact with a few of their clients and ask about their
experience and results.

-If you reach the contract stage, read the fine print religiously as
loopholes and exceptions abound among unscrupulous vendors of SEO services.

And always remember this wise proverb: "Wed in haste, repent at your
leisure." Same thing with search engine optimization.

Heather Reimer is an SEO copywriter and owner of The Write Content
( She offers website content
writing services, search engine copywriting, and article writing.
For a free content analysis and proposal, visit:

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