Thursday, November 09, 2006

Get Free Publicity With A Press Release

A Little Used Technique To Get Hundreds Of Sites Linking To You.

Have you got as many visitors to your web site as you want?
Most of us haven't and if we don't want to spend a fortune in
advertising we are left with search engine optimization, and
other time consuming and frequently unrewarding tasks.

Its not easy to get traffic to your web site. There's only room
for 10 sites on the first page of Google and as almost nobody
searches past page three you have to rank in the top 30 to be
found. That's the top 30 of thousands, sometimes millions. Not
an easy task unless you are marketing something very obscure.
Trying to optimize your site to increase your ranking can take up
all your time, and time is money. Even then you may just as
easily be dumped when Google next changes its criteria- which
happens at least every 6 months.

There is one criterion that Google never changes though, and that
is the ranking it allocates based on the number of sites,
especially important sites, that link to yours. Google loves back
links, as they are called. Not all back links though. It doesn't
like link farms or links that are not related to the topic of
your site. In other words they have to appear to be natural
links. Google thinks this is a good way to tell whether your site
has value. If it has lots of natural links it must be important
and you will be ranked higher. But there again getting links that
look natural is very hard work and takes up way too much time.

There is a better way to get back links, and highly targeted back
links, that few people make use of and that is by writing and
submitting press releases. A press release is simply your message
to the world that you have something new and interesting to
share. And it doesn't cost you a cent. Web site publishers are
always looking for new content and if your press release is
newsworthy it will find its way onto their pages. Sometimes it
will stay in their archives for months, all the time showing your

You will only get this free publicity if your press release is
worthy of it. Most press releases are immediately released to the
trash can. This needn't happen to you. Your press release will
make it if you follow these simple rules:

* Write a snappy headline that compels the reader to continue

* Follow the headline with a brief summary of the release.

* Make it sound like news, not an advert . Don't use adjectives
like wonderful, killer amazing etc.

* Write for the public not just for journalists, this press
release will be read by your potential customers.

* Is there is anything topical or in the news that could be
linked with your product? If so that is an advantage you should
make the most of.

* Formatting your press release properly is very important too.
There is an accepted template that must be adhered to.

Now if all this sounds too hard there is a new piece of software
on the market that can make it a whole lot easier for you. Its
called Press Release Equalizer and it will do the hard work for
you at lightening speed, including distributing your press
release to all the right places. All you have to do to is fill in
some blanks. It will save you a lot of time and will give you the
very best chance of getting published. Getting more back links
could not get any easier than this.

Liz Beresford is a writer and webmaster. She writes
and distributes press releases very easily using this
simple tool: http://www.insider-gold/pressequalizer.html

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