Saturday, November 25, 2006

Why to improve website ranking?

With the increase in the number of internet users all across the world,
online businesses are definitely on a great raise. Even in emerging markets
like Brazil, China, India; the usage of internet is becoming very huge.
Thanks to globalization, penetration of internet and liberalization of
economic policies in most of the markets; now you can take your small,
home-based business to anywhere in the world with just a well designed and
perfectly optimized website.

Having a website, is just a prerequisite to any business in today's
scenario. But, merely having a website is not going to do any good to your
business if you are not able to generate good amount of sales and revenue
trough your website. To generate good sales, you need to have quality web
traffic first. According to the research more than seventy percent of the
web traffic all across the internet is just coming through the search
engines. So, if you are looking for quality web traffic, you need to improve
website ranking on most of the search engines.

To improve website ranking, you need to do lot of things, but not in a rush.
You should first analyze who your target audiences are. And then, you need
to analyze what are the keywords or phrases that your target audience are
using on the internet while doing web searching. This is very important.
Because, if and only if your website has a very rich content with full of
those keywords, you will have a chance to improve website ranking on any
search engine. You also need to update your content very regularly. This
improves website ranking quite dramatically. This is because of a simple
reason that most of the search engine algorithms give top ranking while
indexing the websites if the content is updated frequently.

So, it is quite evident that you need to have a lot of knowledge on SEO if
you want to improve website ranking.
Normally, most business owners or webmasters will not have sufficient
knowledge that requires improving website ranking. Or, they will not have
enough time to do so. In either cases, it is quite perfect if you go to
professional SEO consultants to improve website ranking.

In this world of outsourcing, it has been proved that it is always a better
idea to outsource the work which you are not good at to a person or a
company who is good at that work. To improve website ranking, you can get
many professional SEO consultants to work for you. You can even get a
professional consultant at a very cheap price if you outsource the work to
countries like BRIC nations, INDIA or China.

Darren Dunner is the author of this article. Find more information on the
subject at
Also feel free to check on their website

SEO Copywriting Hucksters Exposed: "Anybody Can Do It"

If you are shopping for an SEO company, there are two things you should know
about the content aspect of any search engine optimization strategy:

1. Properly optimized copy is hugely important to the search engines, right
up there with link popularity and spider friendly coding. Run like the wind
if you encounter an SEO company that doesn't understand the significance of
content or offers shoddy, cookie cutter style copywriting.

2. The proof is in the pudding. Always ask to see samples or visit websites
they have optimized so you can scope out their content for yourself. Be very

Here's why.

As an SEO copywriter who's been around for while, I sometimes receive
invitations from SEO companies looking for freelancers to write optimized
content. Usually they want writers who will churn out thousands of words for
a few bucks.

Recently, I received one of those email invitations from a UK-based SEO
firm. And when you read the following, I want you to pay particular
attention to the stark difference between the pitch they use to entice
writers to work for them, and the sales pitch they present on their website
to entice SEO clients.

First of all, here's what their website tells the public:
"(Name of company) will provide: A team of experienced content writers who
are trained in writing quality Search Engine Optimised Content. "

Now take a look at the qualifications they are actually looking for when
they seek out copywriters to work for them. This is a direct quote from
their invitation to freelance writers:

"Writing the content is simply a case of cutting and pasting different bits
of information, whilst adhering to a few easy rules such as beginning each
opening sentence with a key word etc, it is not necessary to have a
journalism background, anybody can do it!"

Aside from being misleading and insulting to web writers, this approach
totally ignores one crucial fact of online content: human beings read it.
Human beings make buying decisions based upon it.
And human beings know the difference between a slap dash cut-and- paste job,
and informative benefit-laden content that instills trust and creates an
appetite for a product or service.

What's even more insidious about these SEO companies is that often their
copywriting services are embedded as part of a total package deal. Many
prospects will simply look at the optimization services listed, check the
price tag, and sign the contract... and then suffer buyers remorse for the
duration of the deal.

How To Avoid SEO Buyers Remorse:

-Before signing that paper, review the SEO company's portfolio of work

-Visit their clients' websites and read the copy. Would it persuade you?

-If possible, make contact with a few of their clients and ask about their
experience and results.

-If you reach the contract stage, read the fine print religiously as
loopholes and exceptions abound among unscrupulous vendors of SEO services.

And always remember this wise proverb: "Wed in haste, repent at your
leisure." Same thing with search engine optimization.

Heather Reimer is an SEO copywriter and owner of The Write Content
( She offers website content
writing services, search engine copywriting, and article writing.
For a free content analysis and proposal, visit:

Let's Hear It For Web 0.1!

It's November 2006. So far the Web 2.0 bubble hasn't burst.
Here's my attempt to put a pin-prick in it.

Don't know what Web 2.0 is? It's the notion that the next phase of web
development is based on user-generated content. _You_ don't have to write
it, your visitors will.

- You get a CMS (a Content Management System, like PHPNuke).
- Users write reviews, blogs, forum posts (

- Search engines index this stuff (
- Users tell their pals about it (MySpace.Com).
- You spend a few thousand bucks, or a few million, depending on how good
your chief coder is.
- The thing sells itself (Digg.Com).
- You add contextual ads (Google Adsense).
- Fire off a couple of emails a day, and bank your cheques.

For the small-to-medium webmaster, this can be the route to disaster. Here's
my experience.

See, I was in favour of user contribution. Gives people something to _do_ on
a site. If it's any good, they'll tell their pals. More traffic.

So I have chat rooms, a forum, a MySpace clone, a dating service, contact
forms, ebooks, free software, the whole shebang. All humming away, all
bringing in links, all keeping my visitors amused and informed.

Only problem is, the set-up time. The maintenance. The customisation. The
search engine optimisation. The hacking attempts. The anti-hacking. The bug
fixes. The security updates. The swearing filters. The troll kicking. The
screeching. The spamming.

More bandwidth, more databases, more time, more money, more worry. is a good example. Their business model is using pirated
content. They have to police users. Bandwidth costs must be huge. Where's
the money going to come from: ads in pirated videos? Gimme a break.

For any web business, the basic questions are:

- What makes the money?
- What helps make the money?
- Where is the net profit coming from?

Could your site be better served by static HTML pages which you update once
every six months? If your site is purely informational, it's worth

My epiphany came when first some Bahraini hackers clobbered a site of mine.
I fixed it. Then some Turkish ones had a go. So I changed to a different
CMS. So far, so good, until I realised I would have to constantly update
this thing.

It then dawned on me that using a text-to-HTML converter
(Text2html) and an index generator (dirhtml) meant simple text files could
be turned into a basic site quickly.

You write it, format it, tart it up in Dreamweaver, index it, FTP it and
voila!; a mini site without the upgrade headaches.

A CMS has some handy features, but pure HTML lets you sleep easier. Easier
to move when the poop hits the air-conditioning, too.

Put it this way: which would you rather own when the Nazis are closing in?
Damien Hirst's 'Shark In A Tank' or the Mona Lisa?

I'm starting to think before I put stuff up now. Would simple HTML do just
as well? Suppose I have to move web hosts? Will I be able to find one
that'll give me ten MySQL databases at the same price as my current host?
And all the other features I need? (Answer: No, I've looked).

The first rule of computing is KISS; Keep It Simple, Stupid.
With all the brouhaha about Web 2.0, I say, let's hear it for Web 0.1!

About The Author: T. O' Donnell ( ) is a credit broker and cynic
living in London, UK.

Friday, November 24, 2006

7 Tips To Choosing The Domain Name That Will Catapult Your Business Into An Empire

Your domain name is your business name on the Internet.
This is a decision that will affect search engine optimization as well as
your return customer traffic.
Your domain name will also affect anchor text of inbound links and your
search engine rankings.

Some companies have chosen to brand themselves with names that have nothing
to do with their business i.e. Yahoo, Google, Amazon, and eBay. It's not
that they don't understand search engine rankings but that they have deep
pockets for advertising to help their customers remember their name.

Here are 7 tips to help you choose a domain name making you more memorable
to your customers and search engines alike.

1. Keep your name as short as possible. People remember
names of their favorite websites. If your domain name is short and
memorable you have a better chance of return traffic. Advertising your name
offline becomes easier when it's something people can remember without
writing down.

2. Be clear about the direction of your web business. When
you start your business you may have an idea to sell widgets but as your
business grows you may find that widgets, wickets and wonkets all sell well.
Your domain name should be able to grow with your business.

3. Try to include 2 keywords in your domain name. When you
design your domain name you should include at least one, if not two,
keywords in the name. This helps to improve your search engine ranking and
organic search traffic. Search engines will place a higher value to a site
that sells widgets, has widgets in the name and has content that is
optimized for widgets. The assumption is widgets will be the focus of your
site and therefore provide valuable content to the searcher.

4. Include the location in the name if you are marketing
and selling in only one specific location. Are you a realtor selling
exclusively in Chicago?,, all have the keyword Real Estate and
the location. However, if you sell widgets in Chicago but ship around the
world you won't put Chicago in the domain name. People searching for
widgets will pass over your site if they believe, from your name, that you
sell only in Chicago.

5. Avoid trademarked names. You've heard the stories of
the little guy who buys a name the big company wants. He sells the name and
spends the rest of his days retired on a private island. Those days are
gone. Now the big companies are calling their lawyers.
or are just not good ideas.

6. Look legitimate and buy the variations. Avoid
purchasing .biz, .tv, or .ws as your main site. The most respect is given
to sites on .com, .net, and .org. On the other hand once you have a .com
that you intend to grow you should also buy the other extensions and
potentially even the .biz, .tv and .ws. Redirect those sites to your
primary site. This way if a customer can't remember the extension he'll get
to your site anyway. The new kid on the block is .mobi. This is the
extension used for mobile devices and sites providing services on the mobile
Opened for general registration on September 26, 2006 and sponsored by a
consortium of companies including Microsoft, Google and Nokia this extension
has already sparked criticism.

7. Ask for advice. You'd be surprised at how many times a
domain names sounds absolutely brilliant at 1 am when you purchase it.
However, in the light of day, when you've asked some of your friends, it
makes no sense at all. Ask your friends, relatives and head over to a
webmaster forum.
You'll get great advice, learn a few things you didn't know and see your
business from a new set of eyes.

These simple tips will help you establish a solid foundation for your
Internet business and send you targeted qualified customers.

Jo Han Mok is a #1 bestselling author and frequent featured speaker at
Internet Marketing bootcamps and conferences.
Visit his website for a simple step-by-step plan to profit online in 21 days
or less!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

10 Free Or Low Cost Ways To Generate Traffic To Your Website

Webmasters are always looking for ways to generate free traffic to their
sites. Because of this, you can find advice on this subject on thousands of
websites. But just how good is that advice?

Too often any advice on generating traffic is given with an ulterior motive
behind it. Or you're given advice about some whiz bang superduper new system
for generating traffic by some type of spamming (spamming blogs, search
engines, email, etc.).

Here are 10 low cost methods of generating traffic that will stand the test
of time. They're based off of giving value instead of spamming and taking
advantage of others.

1. Publish Good Keyword Rich Content on Your Site

Search engine optimization is a popular subject and there are all kinds of
experts ready to teach you exactly what to do.
Systems have come...and systems have gone.

Publishing good keyword rich content on your website has lasted the test of
time. While spamming techniques constantly fall by the wayside. Good content
will continue to be the primary way to generate free traffic from search

2. Write and submit good articles.

The Internet is based on content. I've used this method for a decade now to
drive traffic to my sites. Take a portion of the content you create and
submit it to article directories and lists for ezine publishers.

This is a primary traffic driver for a large number of businesses. Even when
it's not one of your main tools, it still drives some of the most qualified
and highly valuable visitors you'll have at your site. If you haven't been
producing articles, then why not?

3. Publish a Blog

Even corporations have jumped on the blogging bandwagon. This is based on
the same principles already given. You have a simple tool to create and add
content to your site. You also are provided with tools to network with
others online and share in each other's information.

Start a blog. Add other blogs to your links. Visit and comment on other's
posts. Become a part of the blogosphere, and take part in the discussions by
watching where other blogs are going with their discussions.

4. Send a Press Release

Very few small business owners take advantage of the media's willingness to
spread their story. Write a press release or hire someone to write it for
you. Then publish it on a site such as Prweb.

Because of the low costs involved in sending out press releases, this should
become a part of your monthly promotional plan. What's the big news this
month? What big stories are in the media that you can piggyback on or
identify with?

5. Participate on Discussion Boards

Find discussion boards in your niche. Participate in them regularly. Instead
of promoting, be an expert who helps those on the site. Give them advice.
Answer questions. Help beginners in your niche.

At the bottom of all your postings, you can have a link to your website.
When I've followed this, I've been surprised at just how many visitors you
get through these little links at the bottom of your postings. Plus, you're
building a relationship with these visitors before they even get to your

6. Start a Link Campaign

Want more search engine traffic? Create more incoming links to your site.
Many of the strategies we've already mentioned do this...a blog, article
submissions, press releases, and links on discussion boards. They're all
incoming links.

You can also take another step and activiely search for sites to link to
you. You can do a simple search on Google for
"link:" to find sites linking to your competition.
Contact them and find a way to get them to link to you as well.

7. Create a "Viral" Video

Video is part of the future of the Internet. Where we used to talk about
viral ebooks, now we talk about viral videos. Create an informational or
entertaining video and use sites such as Google Video and to
distribute it for you.

Make sure to include your web address on the video. Create multiple short
videos. Look into the communitites being built up on these video sites, and
find a way to tap into the ongoing video discussions.

8. A Good Offer on Your Business Card

This is a simple one. The entire backside of my card is an offer for a free
report you receive at my website for subscribing to my newsletter. It has
the headline and several bullet points along with the URL for the site.

This simple strategy is so effective that I've attended seminars where I've
seen quite a few people have printouts of my free report the second day.
They took my card and signed up for my list that night! Are you using this
simple strategy with people you meet?

9. Start An Affiliate Program

If you don't know about affiliate programs, then you've been hiding in a
cave. FOr many successful businesses, the affiliate program equals much
higher than 50% of their sales. Running your own affiliate program is the
killer traffic generation tool.

An affiliate program gives you the ability to tap into other people's
traffic, other people's lists, and other people's customer relationships. No
matter what you're selling, you should find a way to put an affiliate
program into the mix.

10. Set-up Joint Ventures

Joint ventures include affiliate programs, but they also go beyond them. Who
can you trade an article with? Who could you run co-op advertising with? Who
could you trade ads with? How can you help others while generating traffic
for your own site?

You might have your "normal" offer on your site that all affiliates refer
their visitors to. How can you set-up a special deal with better pricing,
more bonuses, or some other type of special offer for the customers of a
large opt-in list or buyer's list? If you want a surge of new sales, find a
way to create exclusive deals at times.

About The Author: Terry Dean is the President of MyMarketingCoach, LLC where
You Earn More, Work Less, and Enjoy Life. Pick his FREE report today, "10
Key Strategies for ANY Business Owner to Earn More, Work Less, and Enjoy
Life" at

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Why I Am A Search Engine Optimization Renegade

I want to share with you the question that turned the LIGHTS on for me as
far as Search Engine Optimization is concerned.


OK. Now before I share the question with you, I want to make sure you
understand that I am not AGAINST the Search Engines. I have leaned that
being against stuff is not very effective. Anti War simply promotes the idea
of have to be pro PEACE.
You'll soon come to recognize I am all about building a better internet.

SEARCH today is very barbaric, ambiguous and arbitrary. I am not the only
one who thinks this way. A few years ago, Mr. Bill Gates stated that "Search
is pathetic. It really does not exist!" Makes you wonder whether he was
saying that because Google was kicking his butt. Or did he know something
that you should know? is the question that turned the lights on for me...

"Why is it that the Search Engines DO NOT have an ongoing workable
definition of QUALITY?"

I have wrestled with that question for years.

Ebay has a workable definition of quality. You can easily see the feedback
rating of every ebay member and it clearly defines the potential risk of the

Amazon has a workable definition of quality. You can easily see the ranking
of the book in terms of sales and the reviews of people who have read the

All businesses have to have a workable definition of quality.

However, when it comes to Search Engines none of these monstrocities are
capable of providing us with a workable definition of quality.

I wonder why that is?

Every other profession has a workable definition of quality.

When we were in school all of our teachers had workable definitions of
quality. Imagine how horrible school would have been if they hadn't?

Or imagine what a restaurant would be like if it did not have a working
definition of quality.

Here is the point. If an industry does not have a workable definition of can they deliver "quality and relevant" results?

The obvious logical conclusion is that they CANNOT.

So what is it then that search engines actually deliver?

The answer to that question is OPTIMIZED RESULTS.

And there is a HUGE difference between QUALITY RESULTS and OPTIMIZED

Optimized Results is a far, far cry from QUALITY.

This is what the SEARCH ENGINES never want you to discover.

About The Author: Harald Anderson is a Barbaric Link Calculator Expert and a
popular speaker on Search Engine Optimization at conferences throughout the
world. He writes a free newsletter called "Feed The Spiders" which is
available ay

Benefits Of Directory Submissions

Achieving good search engine visibility has become a necessity for every
website today. Hundreds and thousands of businesses compete with one another
in order to generate more and more business through their websites. There
are many ways by which a website can get high rankings in major search
engines. One such important method is directory submission.

Directory submission involves submitting a particular website in general and
relevant web directories. Once a website is submitted it takes anywhere
between 1 day to 3 months for the website link to be added into the
directory. Some of the popular web directories includes,
Yahoo directory etc. Each directory organizes its contents by categories
where all the related websites get listed. To ensure that your site gets
added into the directory, one must submit it in the most appropriate
category otherwise it can be rejected.

A website once listed gets a one way link from the directory.
This free link helps the listed site in a lot of ways. Firstly, it provides
a way for search engine spiders (also known as
crawlers) to find the website and index it in their own database. As soon as
a site is hosted, it must be submitted in web directories so that search
engine robots can crawl it.
Since these robots visit directories more often than other sites,
probability remains high that your site will be indexed soon. You as the
owner of the site does not have to submit your site to search engines,
instead they themselves come and find your site. Thus, it helps in saving a
webmaster's time.
Indexing is crucial for every website that wish to achieve high rankings
since it's the first step for any site to ensure visibility in search

Secondly, a directory placement provides the extra benefit of getting
relevant traffic to your website. Since people who are actively looking for
new websites and portals often visit these web directories, chances remain
high that such people may also visit your site and thus provide your site
free traffic. This traffic is important since it's highly pertinent. These
people might also turn out to be your customers, which will boost your sales
in the long run.

The most significant benefit of directory submission is increasing your link
popularity, which simply is a measure of the quality and quantity of
incoming links to your site. Search engines like Google, yahoo and msn
provides a lot of importance to links while evaluating the rankings of a
site for a particular keyword. Google for example takes into account the PR
(Page Rank) of the page along with the anchor text of the link while
deciding the rankings for a keyword. Gaining incoming links from high PR
directories is considered an essential activity of search engine
optimization (SEO).

In essence, directory submission is a central part of any SEO effort.
Without submitting a site in relevant directories, one cannot hope to garner
high rankings in search engines. Thus, one must definitely go for directory
submissions since the time and effort is worth it.

About The Author: Manish Mathukiya Offers Directory Submissions ( ) Services. He also offer best quality Article
directory submission
( service. He is editor of Oh
Search directory ( )

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

How To Seo For Beginners

Selecting Key Words: This is probably the most important point.
You need to choose keywords that best describes your website so if someone
types your keyword in a search engine, your site will come up. Now don't
just pick a few keywords which best interests you.

Try this Keyword Suggestion Tool:

Lets say your site is about Games. Now don't just make 'Games'
as your keyword because it is searched 99, 000 each day. There is very
little chance your site will appear in a search any where near the first
page. I suggest you pick more specific keywords such as 'PlayStation Games'
or a name of an actual game like 'Grand Theft Auto'. These names are
searched not as much so there is a lot of chance your site will appear near
or on the first page of a search engine.

Domain: You should have a a suitable do0main name. It is not as important
but still works. Going back to Games site again. You are better off with a
domain name such as rather than The domain name has nothing to do
with your search engine optimism, you can still reach page one with or
without a good domain name.

Title Tags: Very crucial in Search Engine Optimization. Going back to the
Games site. You are better off with a title such

Game - Grand Theft Auto

rather than:

Grand Theft Auto - Games
Grand Theft Auto

Header Tags: Header tags are very important because they are used to
identify words which are more important than the rest of the text on the
page. The Header Tags sum up the topic of the page. When you are placing
Header Tags, use 'H1' tags.

For Example, lets go back to the Games site again. You want your Header Tag
as 'Games' then you will do the following:

Easy URLs: Very important in search engine optimization. You want to have
simple URLs, no long complicated stuff.

For Example in stead of this:

You will write:

Easy URLs: make sure you use correct keywords. For example going back to the
Games site, make sure you mention something or probably everything related
to games. When a search engine spider comes and sees that your page is
suppose to be about Games but you haven't mentioned about Games, he/she will
think your site is not important. Have a paragraph or two about your site on
top of your page, making sure you state the correct keywords that best
matches your website.

Link Building: Make sure you have lots of links coming to your site. When a
search engine comes to a website and notices that in it's links there is a
'Games' link. He/she will click and it will lead him/her to your site. This
will make him/her think that your site is very important. When you are
building links, make sure you use correct keywords that best describes your

A Few Tips: A few tips by the professionals:

-For start ups use things like : Digit, reddit and ma.gnolia they all give a
little traffic if your site is new -Quality Backlinks and Trusted Links
-Putting the keywords in the title -One Way links

Learn more about SEO, Adsense and money making sites at

About The Author: Falco P. author of and owner of is a free source to learn more about Public
Relations and how to setup press releases. is a
directory submission service to create quality website backlinks.

How To Choose The Right Keyword

Choosing the right keyword is easy, you should ask yourself the following
question: If I were to do a search what would I type in to find or search
for a website. Getting a right keyword is very important to driving traffic
to your website. Choosing the right keyword is critical and writing keyword
rich pages is called SEO keyword rich pages. A top 10 position for the right
keyword is really like having pure gold in your pocket.
Selecting the right keyword is very important for your site.
Thus choosing the keywords is of the utmost importance. Putting the in the
correct keyword is always an advantage even if it's in the content itself.
As in natural search engine optimization, the optimized keyword is critical
to the success of your business and your entire campaign. Finding the best
keyword is the key to being able to sell boost your website to the next

If you are serious about driving traffic to your website, then you must be
dedicated to finding the right keyword phrases. The Internet is a powerful
tool, but try finding the keyword or keyword phrase. Finding the right
keyword phrase is an extremely important part of search engine marketing.
Why are visitors not finding your website? Finding the best keyword when
writing your content is very important, you really need to think of what
other people are looking for when searching. There are tools on the web
which assist in finding the right keyword, such as Word Tracker and Keyword
Elite. Finding the right types of keywords should probably be your first

The most important part of search engine optimization is selecting the best
keyword phrases or key phrases. With any powerful tool, there is a right way
and a few wrong ways to use them. However, selecting the right keyword
phrases can be a bit difficult and identifying popular keywords phrases is
also a difficult feet. Selecting and implementing it correctly is very time
consuming and selecting the right words and phrases is very important.
However, what gives many site owners nightmares and great difficulties is
figuring out what primary keyword to use.
So you can see that proceeding and doing it correctly can help you define
your market better and enjoy prominence in it.

The right keywords are the fastest path to the relevant information you are
after. Do you have relevant content for prospects that are in the early
research stages? This is because search engines match each query with the
most relevant page and not the site. Experiments with LSI content will prove
that lots of targeted content with the correct keyword densities improve
rank dramatically. The more relevant the keyword phrase the more relevant
your traffic is.

Choosing the correct keyword in the list of keywords, the conversions will
start increasing. Choosing right keyword is essential. The best way select a
right keyword is to imagine what 'exact' phrase the author/webmaster might
have used to describe your required information. Tagging the right keyword
is very important while posting any pictures with the correct tags also
helps. When choosing the best keyword it is very important because to a
webmaster if they are going to optimize their website and have there site
successful on the search engines.

About The Author: David Marc Fishman is the owner of is used for one way links

Designing Websites That Appeal To The Senses

Taking Advantage of The Experience Factor

We read the newspaper, we watch television, and we listen to the radio, but
we experience the Web; this is what makes 'The Website' one of the most
powerful marketing tools available to today's marketing executives.
Unfortunately conventional wisdom has stifled the 'experience factor' on
most website presentations.

Traditional circulation based advertising biases and pitch-mandated direct
mail practices from metric-minded agencies have limited businesses' ability
to take advantage of the Web's capacity to provide a more active, creative,
and penetrating sensory experience aimed at furthering marketing objectives.

As consumers of information we all filter what our mind considers
irrelevant. When we go to a website we quickly recognize where banner and
text advertisements have been placed and proceed to ignore them for the rest
of our visit. Even television ads are becoming increasing less effective,
even as their cost increases. Yet people will watch and even look forward to
creative, entertaining advertisements that capture our imagination and
inform our ability to make better decisions about what we buy and who we buy

Does Anybody Really Know What Works?

It is easy to rely on after-the-fact number crunching and projected
head-numbing statistics to justify how marketing campaigns are constructed
rather than on the less predictable but more relevant elements of psychology
and human nature. But do numbers really tell the true story, or are they
just protect-your-butt justification designed to ease everyone's mind when
it comes time to commit to a budget?

Take the entertainment industry for example. Here is an industry that can
tell you how many people watched a particular television show on a per
minute basis. So if these and the other cerebral-cortex-boggling figures are
so telling, why do networks have such a hard time delivering programs that
people will watch; or do they yank new potentially successful shows
off-the-air based on their initial numbers before they ever have a chance to
find an audience?

Television is such an expensive medium, its practitioners have come to rely
on seemly safe, tried, hackneyed old formula, knowing that it is easier to
sell sponsors what used to work, even when they know there is little chance
of it working again.
The fact is nobody really knows what combination of stories, writers, actors
and producers is going to capture the publics'

So what does this have to do with Web-marketing? Everything.
The Web is not an expensive production medium and that allows marketers to
experiment with different techniques and creative.
Unless your Web-business is a circulation-based advertising model, there is
no reason to limit your creative marketing to worn-out concepts and
number-based incentive formats that for the most part, no longer work.

Sensory and Experience Design Concepts

The essence of good advertising and its big brother marketing, is creative
story telling; stories presented effectively, inform, persuade, and
penetrate our consciousness based on their ability to tap into our sensory
experiences. There has developed over the last few years two new approaches
to design that acknowledge this powerful aspect of human nature: Sensory and
Experience Design.

The implications of Sensory and Experience Design can be found in everything
from product development to package design. When we talk about SenEx Design
we are talking about how real people react to their experience with products
and marketing presentations.

We experience the world through our senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and
taste. Stand in a supermarket and watch people shop for fruit and
vegetables; they pick them up, squeeze them, turn them over and over looking
for flaws, smell them, and if the store keeper isn't looking they may even
have a taste. When people buy a car, they look at the specifications listed
in the brochure, but they still go to the showroom, kick the tires, run
their hands along the shinny new paint, smell the leather interior, and take
that sucker for a test drive to see how she handles. It's all about
experiencing the product through our senses - it's that sensory experience
that becomes imbedded in our memory.

To date most companies have lagged in their efforts to implement these new
SenEx marketing communication approaches on their websites due to their
obsession with search engine optimization issues that focus on the volume of
traffic rather than the quality of the marketing message. Business seems to
be stuck in a circulation-based advertising and mass-market mindset that
runs contrary to the Web's niche market 'Long Tail' nature and its ability
to communicate by presenting information that appeals to a variety of

Search Engine Optimization Issues

No one will argue with the desire of website owners to attract large numbers
of viewers to their sites. But this desire has spawned an entire industry of
people claiming to be able to provide website owners with the holy grail of
search engine
optimization: making it to the top spot in an organic search on your
favorite search engine.

Not everyone willing to pay for an S.E.O. expert to optimize his or her site
can be number one in an organic search. And of course there is the issue of
paid search placement that trumps organic searches.

As fast as search engine optimization experts develop ways to beat the
search engines, the experts at the search engines change their algorithms,
and my money is on the guys at Google.

When it comes to search engine optimization consider the following important
issues and questions:

1. Do the search engine tactics employed on your site degrade, obscure, or
in some way diminish the ability of your website visitors to quickly find
the information they want?

2. Do these search engine tactics impede your ability to effectively deliver
your marketing message in a way that attracts attention, triggers relevant
sensory experience, and embeds your message in your visitors' memories?

3. Do tactics like outbound reciprocal links and inline body-text links send
people away from your site when you want them to stick around and hear what
you have to say?

4. Do you have excessive repetitive copy-text on your site aimed at being
indexed by search engines rather than read by people for clear concise

5. Have you reduced your complex message or instructions to a series of
bulleted points that confuse rather than clarify?

6. Do your search engine tactics concentrate on the volume of traffic rather
than the quality?

7. Is the traffic you're attracting leaving your site as fast as it's

The lesson we should learn from SenEx Design concepts is that websites need
to be designed for people not search engines.
Delivering a clearly understandable marketing message is achieved by tapping
into the psychological and emotional responses triggered by sensory
experiences. That is how you need to communicate to an audience separated
from you by the vast expanse of the Internet.

SenEx Web Design Using Audio and Video Techniques

People are hungry for information. In today's fast-paced world the average
person needs to constantly upgrade their knowledge of ever changing and more
complex products and services. Things that were good for you yesterday today
are harmful; products that don't exist today will exist tomorrow. So it
doesn't matter if you are a homemaker, retiree, or a buyer for an
international corporation, the need-to-know is constantly with us and it
creates what Richard Saul Wurman has described as "Information Anxiety".

We just don't have the time to study everything we need-to-know or
want-to-know that affects our business and personal lives. We need the
information fast and in an easily digestible format.
And we need that information presented in a way that will make it easy for
us to retain it.

The power of Web-audio and video is their ability to illicit experiences by
presenting information in a linear narrative that appeals to the senses of
sound and sight. This ability attracts and focuses an audience's attention
on the material you want highlighted; it presents that material in an easily
digestible format; it clarifies the meaning and significance of critical
details; and it penetrates viewers' consciousness so that the information is

The following types of audio and video SenEx Web-presentations can be used
to deliver a variety of material:

1. Web-commercials and Email Campaigns
2. Special Promotions and Product Offerings 3. Product Descriptions and
Overviews 4. Testimonials and Reviews 5. How To Instructions and Tutorials
6. Frequently Asked Questions and Q&As 7. Expert Lectures, Analysis and
Opinion 8. Background and History 9. Personality, Staff, and Business


We all have something we want to sell: a product, a service, a plan, an
idea, or even ourselves. And anyone who has ever run a sales department will
tell you the best way to sell is through human interaction and the best way
to emulate that on a website is with Web-audio and video that uses Sensory
and Experience Design techniques to deliver the message.

About The Author: Jerry Bader is Senior Partner at MRPwebmedia, a website
design firm that specializes in Web-audio and Web-video. Visit,
Contact at or telephone (905) 764-1246.

The Importance Of Search Engines

It is the search engines that finally bring your website to the notice of
the prospective customers. When a topic is typed for search, nearly
instantly, the search engine will sift through the millions of pages it has
indexed about and present you with ones that match your topic. The searched
matches are also ranked, so that the most relevant ones come first.

Remember that a prospective customer will probably only look at the first
2-3 listings in the search results. So it does matter where your website
appears in the search engine ranking.

Further, they all use one of the top 6-7 search engines and these search
engines attract more visitors to websites than anything else. So finally it
all depends on which search engines the customers use and how they rank your

It is the Keywords that play an important role than any expensive online or
offline advertising of your website.

It is found by surveys that a when customers want to find a website for
information or to buy a product or service, they find their site in one of
the following ways:

The first option is they find their site through a search engine.

Secondly they find their site by clicking on a link from another website or
page that relates to the topic in which they are interested.

Occasionally, they find a site by hearing about it from a friend or reading
in an article.

Thus it's obvious the the most popular way to find a site, by search engine,
represents more than 90% of online users. In other words, only 10% of the
people looking for a website will use methods other than search engines.

All search engines employ a ranking algorithm and one of the main rules in a
ranking algorithm is to check the location and frequency of keywords on a
web page. Don't forget that algorithms also give weightage to link
population (number of web pages linking to your site).

When performed by a qualified, experienced search engine optimization
consultant, your site for high search engine rankings really does work,
unless you have a lot of money and can afford to pay the expert. With better
knowledge of search engines and how they work, you can also do it on your

About The Author: Jon Rognerud is a recognized authority on the subject of
SEO, and has spent over 10 years developing websites and marketing solutions
at companies like Overture and Yahoo.
His website,, provides a wealth of informative
articles, resources, tips and free downloads.

How To Build Great Links For Your Web Site

Building effective links is one of the most time consuming and challenging
aspects of web site design. Ultimately, link building can spell the
difference between a high search engine ranking web page and one that
disappears in a sea of similar web sites, so it is best to take the time to
do it right.

There are certainly newer search engine algorithms being developed for the
web but effective linking continues to be the most decisive factor in search
engine optimization and will likely be for several years more.

Links as the name implies, are the most basic connectors to all the pages on
the Interent and is the easiest way for a given application to gauge the
relevance and integrity of a web page.

People love lists; find a way to integrate a list into your site. This can
be anything from a list of tips or things to avoid or a list suggested
reading, for example. Lists give the impression of being a definitive source
of information and many people will want to link to them.

Often people will link to a site if they feel that it is an authority on a
given subject; they will then feel confident about recommending that site to
other people. That is what link building is all about after all, a sort of
digital referral or stamp of approval.

Every web site should strive to have reliable and well-researched content.
Try to keep your content informative but simple; if no one can understand
what your web site says they probably won't want to link to it! Check your
text for spelling or grammatical errors; a web site riddled with poor
spelling and bad sentence construction doesn't seem very professional or

Online news sites are a good way to establish links. Some of the things you
can do are: submit an article for online publication or syndicate an article
with a news site. Reputable sites usually enjoy a high search engine rank
for their articles and receive plenty of traffic. You may also send press
releases or trade articles with other sites.or even write an article about
another site and ask then to link back to your site; most will be happy to
repay the favor.

Establish contacts with the Better Business Bureau or the Chamber of
Commerce in your area or the relevant city and state government offices. You
may even look around closer to home by submitting your link to the local
library or exchanging links with local businesses in your area; even
non-competing businesses in the same field.

Consider starting an affiliate program; it may not lead directly to high SEO
value but it can still prove useful in providing additional links.

Submit your site to directories that allow free submissions such as DMOZ
( or even paid directories. You can even take this a step
further by creating your own directory of similar web sites. You can
obviously link to your own site here and even include other important pages
in addition to the home page. Quality listings are important here so if it
is a useful directory to the most number of people, it will easily attract

You may want to post a link to your site in classifieds sites such as
Craigslist or if you belong to user groups like Yahoo and Google groups it
is often acceptable to post links to your site if you are asking or
answering a question. Just make sure it is in the context of the discussion,
as most people do not take kindly to being spammed.

Reviews are another great way to get people to link to your site. If you
have a reputable looking site and carry informative, well-written reviews,
there's a good chance that your articles will receive high search engine
rankings. Try to keep your reviews on-topic, informative and thorough, and
be specific whenever possible.

Blogging has become an integral part of the Internet and is one of the most
effective means of linking; you can either drop a few words of comment on
someone's blog or link to them from your own blog. Most blogs will be happy
to link back to you.
Try to update your blog regularly and post interesting content so people
will want to link to you.

If your budget permits, explore the possibility of hiring a professional
web-linking publicist (yes they do exist!) or consultant for your web site.
If you choose carefully this will free you up to take care of other areas of
your web site and leave the details of link building to the experts.

Those are a few things to do to create good links, what about things you
should avoid? These methods will actually hurt your visibility on the web as
it may cause search engines to ban your site or ignore it altogether!

Do not spam forums! Nobody likes a spammer and can usually tell if someone
joins a discussion forum for the sole purpose of self-promotion. A sure way
to annoy people is to post a non-relevant reply to a question and then
include a link.or worse not even answer the question at all!

Choose carefully when submitting your site to directory services; a poor one
won't help increase your traffic at all and may carry out-of-date or off
topic links.

When asking someone to link to your site, make sure that there is a good
reason why he should; maybe your site is similar to his own in subject
matter or your site showcases him, his products or his web site in a
favorable light.

Take the time to compose a polite, well written personal request for
linking. It doesn't have to be long but the important thing is to make it
seem like a genuine request as opposed to an impersonal, automated email. Do
not pester a Webmaster with several, persistent emails; it is annoying and
will not likely help your cause any. If you don't get a reply, move on.

About The Author: Mikhail Tuknov, is founder of
Infatex (Search Engine Marketing Company). With an extensive background in
Internet marketing, Mikhail Tuknov offers SEO, PPC, SEM services.

Introduction To Press Releases And How They Can Be Used

A major goal for many webmasters is to build many back links for SEO
purposes to get their web sites ranked higher in search engines. As a
result, many webmasters spend countless hours and hundreds of dollars to
build links to their web site. However, there is an easy and inexpensive way
to build dozens of links that many simply ignore. Public Relations is of key
importance to any company or web site and often times, a Press Release is
the greatest tool web site owners have to help spread the word about their
company, increase buzz about the web site or the products that are offered,
and build dozens of back links from multiple, reputable web sites.

Here, we will go through the process of writing and submitting a press
release and include many tips and tricks to help you get the most out of
your press release. A press release must be written in a special way and we
will go through the process of how to write a press release and where to
submit it for best results. However, before we go in depth into how you can
best use a press release e need to explain what a press release is.

A press release is a document that is sent out by a company or web site when
something that is notable regarding the company occurs. All of the articles
you see in newspapers and on web sites such as CNN and Yahoo! are based of
press releases that were sent by the company to PR Newswires such as PRWEB
or PRLEAP, or sent to the media company directly. Obviously, there are
thousands of press releases being sent to major media companies such as CNN
or Yahoo! daily so, only the best written press releases that have
significance to the average user gets picked up by these companies. Hence,
we will spend a lot of time talking about how to write effective press
release in future entries. Now, the major purpose of the press release is
for public relations and to get newspapers and other large media outlets to
pick up the story and present it to a large audience to help generate buzz
and interest; however, for many small web site owners who don't have the
money to spend building major media contacts or paying someone else to send
out your press releases to major media companies, free press release
submission at PR Outlets such as and are an inexpensive
way to build dozens of back links for purely SEO value.

A press release is of great benefit to any company and web site and we
invite you to check back soon for all of the latest tips and tricks
regarding press releases.

About The Author: Falco Pangkey is the owner and writer of He writes about getting online and offline Free
Publicity. To view more work by Falco, you can visit

Seo Book: The New Internet Marketing Bible

Aaron Matthew Wall, author of SEO Book: A New Chapter Every Day, offers his
reader much more than they'll find in any other Internet Marketing book on
the market. Believe me, I've read more books on SEO than I care to admit.
But they all left me unchallenged, insulted and disappointed. But Wall's
book is the most comprehensive, clear and knowledgeable book I've found or
read to date. Wall admits: "There are many guides to how and where to start
on the web, most of them are laced with affiliate links and bogus
recommendations. The goal of this guide is what I had wished I read when I
jumped on the web a few years ago." Meticulously written and researched, SEO
Book is 290 pages of easy-to-read, solid industry guidance for anyone who
wants to make sense of the mesmerizing and exciting world of search engine

The truth is, most authors out to sell an ebook on SEO are looking for
instant wealth. One book in particular pushes its own affiliate program so
hard throughout the text that its no wonder this ebook, or shall I say sales
pitch, is top ranked on the search engines. If you're looking for real
knowledge and practical search engine optimization solutions, SEO Book is
your answer.

In his book, Wall explains the value of proper SEO campaign planning,
development and launch, helping you avoid the costly drain of paid Internet
advertising. He also explores the dangers inherent in using search engine
optimization in overly manipulative ways, which only leads to blocking from
top-ranking search engines all-together. Wall offers step-by-step guidance
on building a powerful website to achieve optimal organic, or non-paid,
rankings and how to develop your own successful web-based business. This
book even covers the value of blogs and content management systems, plus
advanced topics like usability, scripting, hacks and web design standards,
subjects most other Internet Marketing books can't and won't touch, as
they're typically written by people who lack a passion for and solid
knowledge in Internet Marketing.

The depth and diversity of information covered in Wall's book makes it an
ideal top-to-bottom read or reference guide for the neophyte, beginner,
professional and Internet or bricks-and-mortar entrepreneur looking to gain
traction on the web. With enough dedication and commitment, the reader
should be able to save a lot of money on SEO Consulting services in the end.
This alone, added to the traffic and sales achievable using his techniques,
can cover the price of the book and more.

About The Author: Ramon Sanchez is a professional writer and Internet
Marketing enthusiast. He's actively worked in the industry for nearly a
decade. To purchase this book, SEO Book:
A New Chapter Every Day, visit, "SEO Book", today!

How To Capitalize From Search Engine Marketing Services

There is a new age in Internet marketing upon us and it lies in the search
engines. Search engine marketing services are quickly becoming the most
popular and effective way to market your business online and to secure
valuable contacts with clients from all over the world. However, since this
is becoming such a large industry, there are many providers of search engine
marketing services and some are better and more trustworthy than others.
Therefore, it is important to conduct a proper investigation of the company
that you decide to use for your online marketing campaign.

The first thing that you should consider when choosing a company for your
search engine marketing needs is their track record. Be weary of a company
that has just recently started because they might not have the experience to
give you the service that you are looking for. Although they might promise
that they can give you the same service that a more established company
could, they may in fact just be trying to secure your business. Since this
is a fairly new enterprise, there are a lot of fraudulent companies that are
just looking to capitalize on this industry. Also, there are some companies
that aren't fraudulent but just aren't able to provide the service that they
say they can. Although the basic premise of search engine marketing services
is quite simple in nature, experience is the key in order to get the best
possible results for your business.

Just as in any other industry, word of mouth is always the best way to
discover which companies can be trusted and which cannot.
So if you know someone who has used one of these services in the past, then
it is advisable to ask them about their experiences with a specific company
and see if that company would be able to fulfill your needs as well. Another
way of finding the perfect company for your needs is to conduct proper
research. A big mistake that many business owners make, is taking everyone
at their word. Any company that has a good track record should not have any
problem with putting you in touch with one of their past contracts so that
you can find out about their experiences with the company.

It is also a good idea to never take testimonials at face value. Often,
testimonials on the website are simply concocted by the owner of the company
and do not accurately reflect the opinions of the actual customers. However,
testimonials can also be true, so it is important to research effectively.
Upon conducting all of the necessary research and you decide that the
company is trustworthy, it is still not a great idea to shell out a whole
lot of money up front. There is no way to be sure that they will come
through on their word and actually increase your search engine potential.
Perhaps hiring them for a smaller project at first may be a better idea.
That way, you get to experience their customer service first hand and also
be able to see the results. If you are pleased with the results and the
level of professionalism and service that you received, then you can have
the piece of mind to hire them for a larger contract.

Search engine marketing services can be incredibly beneficial to almost any
business and can vastly increase your online availability which in turn will
increase your customer base.
And with a larger customer base, comes larger profits. Just remember to do
your homework, so you are certain to get the best value for your money.

About The Author: Andy West is a freelance writer for Vertical Measures.
Vertical Measures is an Internet Marketing Company that offers quality
Search Engine Marketing Services. For more information, please visit

4 Most Common Web Site Templates Mistakes

Using a web site template right out of the box is a very common mistake new
web designer's make. One of the cool things about the web is that it's so
visual. Using a web site design template can save any new web developer a
lot of time and effort. But like any tool, you can get into trouble if you
don't pay attention.

Color combinations, layout, and graphics are the key design elements in any
web site template. Each web site should be designed around the subject
matter, ease of use, and accomplish any special goals or end result. A lot
of new web site designers get lost in the visual effects, which can have
negative effects on user friendliness and search engine optimization.

If you look at some of the most popular web sites, the common element is
simplicity and ease of navigation. There are few dancing bears, flash
intros, or exploding special effects. And almost everyone has text
navigation for the most part. They may have some very well designed
graphics, and a few design elements but keep it simple for the user.

User friendliness and easy navigation should adhere to the two-click rule.
This is a simple rule that implies any user should be able to find what they
want on any given web site in two clicks. With the short attention span and
impatient attitude of most surfers, you need to give them what they want
fast. You normally only have about 5 seconds to grab their attention.

I use templates a lot to save time and effort on a new design.
Some I've developed myself, some I've bought that give me at least a 70%
solution. They may have some graphics that go with my subject matter and/or
some colors and layout that suit my purpose for the web site. But they also
may be missing some key elements.

Most web site templates have great visual effects and good color
combinations. But many lack several important elements for both users and
our friends the search engines. Here's a list of common mistakes I see all
the time when a web designer uses a web site template.

1. Navigation - Menu issues
2. No Sitemap
3. Ignoring the fold position
4. No H1 or H2 designated headline and sub headlines

Graphic, pull down, popup or other methods of displaying menus can look good
but sometimes confuse the user and are invisible to the search engine bots.
These are two good reasons to use a text menu somewhere that show all
necessary navigation links.

Sitemaps are important for the same reason as above. Both users and search
engines can see a snapshot of everything on your web site and get to it
quickly. This improves your chances to get indexed quickly and gives the
user that two click ability.

The fold position is where the bottom of the monitor breaks off the view of
the page. All important information should be displayed above that line if
at all possible. Don't make the user scroll if it's not necessary. Any
navigation, special links, attention getters, or critical information should
always display above the fold line.

H1 and H2 designate important info to the search engine bot. A common good
search engine optimization is to put your keywords in the first headline
that the user sees. Of course the headline should also induce the reader to
continue to read the web page.

It's pretty easy to fix all these issues during the initial design stage.
Even though I've created 100's of web sites I still use a checklist. The
devils in the details and everything you can do to make it easy for the user
and the search engines, the more successful your web site will be.

A web site template can be a big time saver but you need to insure that the
end result has all the necessary features both users and the search engines.
Make your web site both user and search engine friendly by making these
small changes or additions.

About The Author: John Dow owns, that sells web
site templates and tools. Don't pay $30-$150 for one template when you can
get 125 for $29.95. Click here to see
how: Web Site Templates

3rd Edtion New Ground In Online Money-making Strategies

Joel Comm, the Internet Marketing guru, has developed and refined one of
today's most well-known and revolutionary industry books, 'What Google Never
Told You About: Making Money with AdSense'. In his highly sought-after third
edition, fully beefed up, updated with the latest techniques and expanded to
include even more money-making AdSense techniques than ever before, Comm
gives us the architecture and toolbox every to-be online entrepreneur and
Internet Marketer requires to truly prosper.

He begins his book with the basics, a refresher course for more experienced
AdSense users and an outstanding core foundation for those just beginning.
He speaks clearly and understandably, avoiding highly technical jargon and
defining terms in the books comprehensive glossary. He explores techniques
anyone can use to launch an unlimited stream of cash with no money down, no
experience, no inventory and minimal time investment.

Readers acquire a thorough understanding of website development, profitable
domain naming, web hosting, content creation and search engine optimization.
In his book, Comm also demystifies the lucrative world of blogging and how
anyone can use this new medium to make money working from their home, office
or abroad. He explains, in easy to understand language, the secrets to
profits, what makes some websites sell and others falter right down to fine
details like the colors and link locations on a page.

In addition to offering guidance on what you should do, Comm also explores
frequent pitfalls and mistakes both new AdSense users and seasoned
professionals need to know. He discloses the biggest (and often costly)
mistakes AdSense publishers fall into, along with practical ways to avoid
them. His techniques, followed step-by-step, can help anyone earn
significant advertising revenue online.

Comm leaves some of the most powerful information geared toward established
AdSense Internet Marketers for his chapter on troubleshooting. This chapter
dispels the myths and sheds light on common obstacles faced in ad
publishing. Through years of experience, Comm is able to rectify why
publishers might be getting low revenues, traffic levels, clickthrough rates
and click prices. He shows why too many public service ads may be running
through your ad stream and why ads may have a low relevance to your page.
Each chapter, page and lesson is powerful as a whole or individually as a

About The Author: Ramon Sanchez, is a professional writer and Internet
Marketing enthusiast. He's actively worked in the industry for nearly a
decade. To find out more about or purchase Joel Comm's completely updated
and expanded 2006 edition visit,

Internet And Content Marketing

Tracking the development of Internet is not as tricky as it seems. People
hadn't heard about SEO then, and it wasn't that essential. Practically there
was lack of competition in each slot. The idea of ample keywords on page
leading to improved delivery positions by the given search inquiry only
emerged later. Then simple algorithms were in use. However such
'content-spammers' necessitated struggle. Today 'links to a site' play an
important role in determining the success of a project on Internet.

The Internet is a reservoir of information-be it good, bad, relevant or not.
This itself determines the being of Internet & its worth for people. This
calls for availability of useful information on the net that would help
people conduct reasonable online business.

Numerous aspects of Search system algorithms used for upgrading search
delivery positions have resulted in thousands of sites overfed with keywords
to million extraneous links.
Doorways/fictitious pages used for a redirect of a user on another, are less
optimized for search systems. The advanced algorithms either lower their
positions or remove them from delivery.

The only way that can not only put you on top but also help you retain that
position is- qualitative content! Good content is not only agreeable for the
search systems but is also pleasing for the visitors. Useful information in
turn transforms the visitors to captive audience of your project, which
surely is the keystone to a successful project.

Unique & good contents are easily placed with other projects.
But be wary of people who ignore rules of a good form & give out the text
for personal. When your content gets accommodated on pages of others' sites,
you receive expansion of number of links to your site, consequently an
improved position of your project on the search delivery. For this, placing
of articles on free article directories with links to your sites, is

Thus if content determines ranging of a site in search system results,
qualitative & unique texts are a must for successful online-project

About The Author: Ryan Ginster is the owner of
He makes most of his money using the automated Plug In Profit System

Keyword Selection - Finding A Good One! - Part 1

How do I attract more traffic to my website?

What are the best Keywords to use for my niche product?

What keywords should I use for ad words?

Why is my site not making money?

These are common questions for the newbie, and for many not-so.

With a little experience, you see how much you don't know!

Keywords are a big part of SEO (search engine optimization), and much time,
money and effort is spent researching the most popular keywords for a
particular use.

What many people forget, is that selling something on the internet, whether
it is your site, your product or your affiliate promotion, is really no
different from selling anything anywhere.

The thing they always seem to forget is the law of Supply and Demand. If
there is a demand for something, you can sell it. If there is a plentiful
supply the buyer has plenty of choice, and will not need to buy from a
particular supplier or at any particular price.

To make a living selling something, goods, services, whatever it may be, we
must have a demand. And to be able to sell our product, the buyer should
have a limited choice of sellers.

There are a couple of ways of finding something with a demand.
The first is by advertising to convince people they need a particular
product - creating a demand. This is what the Ad Agencies excel at. Whether
they are selling soap powder or politicians, they can do it. But have you
seen the cars the account executives drive? Sounds expensive!!

The second way is to find something already in demand. Not only this but it
would be nice if this demand was for something in short supply! Then all we
have to do is supply the thing in demand with little competition.

This is how we must choose our keywords. Sure start off with a list of the
most popular keywords for your chosen topic, say games. Check overture for
games, and get a list using this word. But now check Google and see how much
information is available for each of these words.

Find a few with a good "Demand", say over 500 searches in the last Month.
Then match them up with the "Supply" from Google (results show "first 10 of
250,000,000 total" etc).

Now work out what gives the best ratio of "supply" to "demand"
(supply should be less than say 1 million). Now the biggest ratio from this
little calculation is your Best Keyword, say for the home page of your niche
web site. The next ones are also useful, for example one per topic for each

Can you see an application to suit your requirements? - it works!

About The Author: Tony is a retired computer engineer, now working from home
on the internet, his latest venture is keyword calculation. His Keyword
Value Calculator is available now see for more

Don't Depend On Seo - The Only Constant Is Change!

In the past few months I decided to re-dedicate myself to increasing my SEO
on several of my web sites. Most have been around quite some time and have
good page rankings but have slipped in position on many of my most effective

Like many, I have Google Adwords campaigns running that produce sales so
it's been easy to ignore my basic Search Engine Optimization and keyword
positions. Plus, Google has been up to it's favorite pastime of making
changes to its ranking algorithms, which has had an impact. And right now
Google is the big dog so you have little choice but to listen to the music.

Now if you have the basics covered (good content, relevant keywords, H1
tags, etc.) that will take you so far. But in the last few Google updates,
the linking (quality of links, not necessarily quantity) has become the
dominant factor. Do links increase the value of the site to the searcher?
I'm not going there, it's Google's playground so you have to abide by their

Web site promotion is an ongoing battle, especially with the search engines.
Web site search engine traffic has a habit of ebbing and weaving due to
natural cycles. In fact the Internet cycles are starting to look more like
retail cycles every year.
Then throw in the different algorithms that each of the big three use and it
becomes quite a challenge.

And besides paid advertising, search engine traffic is the only other good
source of targeted visitors, and hopefully buyers. So although I don't
depend on search engine traffic, it's still a big source of daily traffic
and provides potential buyers. So doing your basic SEO chores is not very
exciting but is definitely necessary.

SEO is also a moving, constantly changing target. And thanks to Google's
Adsense program, there are 1,000s, if not 100 times that, new web sites
created every day. New web sites are like rain drops during a cloudburst.

For those of you who have never heard of it, Adsense refers to publishing
Google's Adword client advertisements on a web site.
When someone clicks on one of the displayed ads, the web site owner is paid
a fee or commission. Now that sounds easy to do but there's the small item
of getting traffic to click the ads, and hence, all the new competition for

Just the other day I was doing some research on one of my keywords for a
website that had fallen on hard times in rankings. In the area above the
search results on Google, there is a blue line that shows info on how many
results came up out of how many possible results. I keep good records and
the last time I did some checking that figure was a possible 5,344,882 web
sites that have my keywords.

Now 5 million is a lot, but now the info showed 61 million possible web site
results. Whoa, no wonder my position has changed. I now have 12 times the
number of competitors. I have records back to 2003 on this web site so I
went back and took a look, and in 2003 I had a mere 950,000. So in three
years it went from 950,000 to over 61 million.

Holy Cow Batman, that's incredible. But I have a feeling that's just the
beginning. The competition is going to continue to grow. And this is not a
major product area, this is a sub niche web site. Thank you Google Adsense.
I have to believe that many of these web sites are Adsense oriented without
even looking.

Ok, it's time to do some serious resuscitation on this poor downtrodden web
site. The fastest way I know of to breath some new life (or initially launch
a new web site) is content and links. I've already done the basic on page
optimization so more content, and off page linking is my best bet. Content
will be easy, I have a ton of new stuff I can add from multiple sources.

I can write a few new articles and post them on some popular article sites
too. I could also do some new interviews with industry experts but my niche
is pretty limited, so that my not apply to this web site. Google likes both
of those methods and neither will take too much time. I can also do some new
links (the text on the link is important too - use keywords in the actual
link) on my other related sites.

Now links outside of my other sites are going to be an issue.
Links always seem to be a problem. Your web site link partners should have
both a good page ranking and very relevant content.
Then you also have to have something of value to the web site that will be
linking to you.

You can join one of the link web sites, although I usually don't since there
is an outside chance of trouble. Or you can do the Google search on your
keywords and email to like web sites. My web site has a good page rank so I
should be able to pick up a few that way.

I can also buy some links on some directory sites. There are some good ones
at reasonable prices. Look for a good interior ranking (on the category page
you will be putting your link).
The going rate is anywhere from $10 to $50 per year.

And always keep in mind it's the quality of links, not quantity. They need
to be PR4/5 and above with matching content. I figure 10 new outside links
and maybe another 10 pages of new content each month for the next 90 days
will help my rankings quite a bit.

So you really should keep an eye on your organic search engine listings. And
even though you may not depend on it for all your traffic, it should be a
part of your ongoing web site promotion plan. Just getting 10 new links and
10 new pages of viable content a month can have a big impact.

SEO involves a lot more than just content and links but that is a good
starting point. And both these are very easy to do for anyone. There are
more sophisticated SEO tactics which I'll cover in another article soon.

About The Author: John Dow owns, a website that specializes in web site
tools and marketing. Check out a great software tool by clicking here Web
Site Blue Prints

Are You Using Myspace?

The Internet is developing at a fast pace. In the last few years blogs and
then social book-marking became a rage, and to confess to you honestly I
still haven't gotten the hang of how to use either of these two for
marketing purposes. However, I am not such an old geezer after all, because
I really am into is a tremendously interactive medium which is most frequented by
teenagers who like to share their photos and exchange messages with each
other, and with pop music bands, who set up online presences that attract
thousands of new listeners. In the last year Myspace has become one of the
most visited web destinations around. (Alexa currently ranks it as the sixth
most visited site.).

If you are not a teenager and you are not the lead singer in a rock band, is
there any chance that Myspace could be useful to you? Large businesses such
as Jack in the Box, Nike and Walmart have presences, all kinds
of advocacy organizations have Myspace profiles, and even local real estate
firms are opening up sites on Myspace. This is in a sign that there must be
something in it for a wide variety of businesses and organizations.

So, how does it work and how could it be useful to a business or
organization? Basically, you have to go to and open up an
account. If you are indeed a musical group or artist then you should be sure
to open up a music or band profile.
There are also distinct accounts for comedians and filmmakers.
If you need a specific type of profile then go to Myspace music, film or
comedy and click on the artists sign up, otherwise just open up a new
account at .

Once you have your profile set up. You can add an "about me"
section, put up photos, and post blog messages. The Myspace blog is quite
effective, and posts are quickly picked up by the Technorati blog search
engine. You can also display your favorite song. If you have a basic
knowledge of html you can modify your Myspace site and make it quite
distinctive. You can also use online editors such as those found at

The key to Myspace as a marketing tool is the Friends section.
A "friend" is another Myspace user who has agreed to accept your request to
be in contact with him or her. By building up a large list of friends you
are effectively building up a large mailing list, and as marketers are quick
to point out, "the money is in the list."

You can build up a targeted list of friends by making searches on Myspace
for specific keywords, or by browsing using all kinds of demographic
criteria: age, marital status, zip code etc.

Once you get a list of friends, you can send bulletins and messages or make
comments on your friend's website. You can't make a comment on another
Myspace website unless you are already a friend, and I think this is the key
factor that makes Myspace so interactive. Every time you make a comment on
another Myspace website you are in effect making a link back to your site.
Every time you are becoming a "friend" of another Myspace user, you are
making a link back to your Myspace site.

Build up your links and you will get traffic. Build up your mailing list and
you can advertise your events and offerings.
Make a profile that is interesting and informative and you will build up
your online credibility. It sounds like a winning formula to me.

Can it be effective for your business purposes? I can't answer that
question, you will have to try it and see if it works for you. One more
thing, it is a lot of fun, and can be addictive.

About The Author: Donald Nelson is a web developer, author and social
worker. His firm provides affordable search
engine optimization and website promotion services. You can read more
articles like this one or sign up for a web promotion tips newsletter at

Targeted Traffic: Choosing The Right Search Engine Keywords

You probably would like to have the maximum amount of traffic to your
website, and you may be looking at your website statistics to see how many
people are visiting your site each day. But before you jump for joy over an
increase in traffic, you should consider whether you are getting targeted
traffic or not. Targeted traffic means that you getting visitors who are in
interested in your product. If it is not targeted traffic, then you will not
see any corresponding rise in orders, inquiries and sales and when you
consider it, these are the most important statistics for your website.

If you want to get the kind of traffic that can be converted into some
tangible results then there are two steps to take:
Optimize your site for the right search engine keyword or keywords and
promote this site in places where your target audience frequents.

Who is your site speaking to and who is it attracting? You can find out by
looking at your website statistics and seeing what kind of searches people
are finding your site with. If you are selling used cars, then you want your
site to be found by people looking for a used car, not a new car. Whatever
your site is about you have to be careful that your unique selling
proposition is clearly identified and emphasized clearly. Your copywriters
have to make sure that the search engine keyword that people use to search
for products such as yours is prominent in headlines and in the body text as
well as in the link text on the page.

If you are not sure how the usual Internet surfer does his or her surfing,
then go to the site and use the search term suggestion
tool, and you will see approximately how many people searched for a
particular term and what variations they used during the past month. If you
get your search engine keyword or keywords right, and if your site is
properly optimized for that keyword, then the people who visit your site
will be more likely to follow through and buy your product or sign up for
your newsletter, or take the actions which you most desire them to take.

Also, once you have your proper keyword or keywords selected and properly
blended into your site you can get highly targeted traffic via pay per click
advertising. This can be expensive, but if your site can really convert
visitors to buyers then it is the fastest way to get results.

Another way to get targeted traffic is to actively promote your site in
places where your target audience is located. Imagine what your average
customer looks like, how old she or he may be, what they wear, where they
live, and most importantly, where they hang out on the web. What kind of
websites do they visit? When this is clear in your mind, then you have to
bring your site to the notice of this target audience.

Maybe you will have to advertise on sites where they visit, or place your
link on such sites or in such directories. Do they visit certain forums? If
so, then you should make some postings on those forums. Do they read
electronic newsletters? if so then you should advertise in those newsletters
or write articles that are published in newsletters and the websites where
these people "hang out." A well directed promotion campaign will bring the
kind of traffic that is useful for you.

To sum up, targeted traffic combined with a persuasive website equals
Internet success.

About The Author: Donald Nelson is a web developer, editor and social
worker. His firm provides affordable search
engine optimization and website promotion services. You can read more
articles like this one at

On Page Search Engine Optimization Factors - Do They Matter?

Let's hop into our Internet time machine and take a trip. Today we're headed
back in time to 2000 - in Internet time, that seems like 100 years ago.
You're an SEO expert and you want to write a book on how to get to the top
of search engines - what do you talk about? Meta tags are definitely on the
way out. Links help but this is cutting edge stuff - not the basis of your
book. So you talk about keyword density. You say if you want to get ranked
highly for a specific term, you need to have that in your title and you need
to have it show up towards the top of your page, and in other parts of the
page and have your page be keyword dense for your chosen topic. And I'm not
talking about 1-3% keyword density - 100% keyword density for a word
actually worked for some phrases.

Ahh, the memories. The days when keyword density actually mattered.

Back to late 2006. Keyword density is dead. DEAD! In fact the question comes
up if it's even important what content is actually on your webpage or if it
all depends on links.

Let's take some famous examples - first go to and type in
the word failure. The first result you'll see is President George W. Bush's
bio. Go ahead and look at the page, and tell me how many times the word
failure shows up on the page. Yep - zero.

To be fair, let's go back to again, now type in waffles.
The number one result you'll see here is John Kerry's website. Go ahead and
count the number of times you find the word waffles on that page. Indeed -
zero again.

So what's going on here? The reason George Bush's and John Kerry's site are
showing up so highly for failure and waffles is because of anchor text.
(This particular tactic actually has a name - called GoogleBombing - but
that's for a different day.) A large number of websites, have links pointing
to George Bush's website with the word failure in the link.

So what should this tell us - first of all, stop worrying so much about
perfectly optimizing your website and start worrying about what the websites
linking to you say.

Now I should say that having the keyword you want to rank highly for in your
tag and having relevant content on that page does definitely help, and if
you're targeting a highly competitive word, then you'll need to have
relevant content on your page. However, don't worry about having exact
keyword densities for your pages - they're not helping you, in fact they may
be hurting you since the search engines found out that ranking by keyword
density was easily abused so now they actually penalize sites that are
considered "overoptimized" or too keyword dense. Just write naturally and
leave it alone - that's what the search engines want.

Instead, make sure the links pointing to your site tell your story and say
what your site is about. Instead of links that say "click here", get links
that say "widgets" or whatever your site is about.

Before I finish here, I want to give you my favorite example for "Google
Bombing." Go to the home page of
This time type in French military victories and click the "I'm Feeling
Lucky" button. Nothing against, the French, but that's hilarious. Click on
the French military defeats link for a good laugh.

About The Author: Gary Ruplinger is an SEO expert on a mission to stop the
misinformation that so called SEO gurus keep telling the general public.
Learn the truth about SEO at And if
you want to learn the truth about affiliate programs, visit

What Is Google Page Rank

The Google page rank is calculated with an algorithm that is calculated with
incoming and outgoing links of the page. It is as the name suggests a
ranking system of pages. Your page rank is decided on the number of
different criteria, standalone keywords, keyword in URL, and reciprocal
linking. The Page Rank is rendered on the number of one way links that
report back to your site and go out to other sites, and the other websites
page ranks. Like everything about Google the formula for figuring out page
rank is a mystery and Google will not reveal their code. Google page rank is
a way for consumers as well as partners that may have an interest in you, to
find out your web site value in terms of search engines.

Writing articles is an excellent way of gaining non reciprocal or one way
links. The upside is you can gain a lot of traffic and one way links from
award winners websites. Though Search Engines consider one way links
superior to reciprocal links.
Just remember links to such sites are one way links from your site to their
site. Build unique content, and as many relevant high quality one way links
as possible back to your site. One Way Links from High Page Rank Pages are
your ticket to the top of the page rank leader board. Build a quality site,
and you may get one way links, by asking people.

Follow the daily SEO techniques used to help your website reach the top of
the search engine page.

Websites that use 100% ethical search engine optimization techniques are the
best type of websites. Website promotion software, web designing and
optimization are very important.
Here are some marketing tips you will need to use, web design and search
engine optimization to get google page rank designation. Manually doing the
search engine optimization yourself is very time consuming. The key points
are meta tags, and building links to optimize your website. How does
manipulating page rank help search engine optimization. Google secrets is
about google optimization for top rankings, end-to-end and step-by-step.
This search engine software gets Google page rank values for a list of
website URLs. You have heard the buzz about page rank and search engine
Here are some interesting seo techniques that will help you increase your
page rank.

1. Off page optimization means you have to work on building links pointing
to your website. Link building for effective search engine optimization is
one of the best ways of getting your site to the top of the pack. There are
many software applications that will make this easier to do

2. Optimize your site with meta keywords and meta descriptions

3. Make sure your title for each page is different

In conclusion Google Page Rank is as the name suggests a ranking system of
pages. The Page Rank is the number of links to and from your website pages,
and their respective page rank.
My opinion is that Google Page Rank is getting more relevant to SERPs.

About The Author: David Marc Fishman is the owner of Linknetics is a link exchange marketing