SEO - How To Get Your Site Indexed By Google In 3 Days Or Less
Getting your site indexed by Google must be one of the easiest taskes to
learn when doing SEO. It is absolutely essential to have your site indexed
as without your site appearing in Google's searches you may as well not have
a website.
There are a number of ways to get a website indexed by Google, some are
Excellent and some are terrible. I will start with the bad ones first.
1) Go to Google's Add URL page and fill in the form.
This technique does work. However, it can take up to 6 weeks for your
website to be indexed by Google. This technique is not recommended, I would
even go so far to say that you should NEVER use the Add URL form.
2) Use a Variety of Automation Software to submit your site to hundreds of
search engines.
This technique does not work very well for a number of reasons.
The main reason is that some software resubmits to websites over and over
again. This can get your website banned before you even start. Avoid using
Auto Submission software at all costs.
3) The Only Way to Submit to Search Engines is to get backlinks to your
This is certainly the best way to get your site indexed by Google and the
fastest too. All you have to do is get a website with a Page Rank (PR) of 5
or more to link to your site and your website will appear in the search
results in 3 days or less.
Also, there is no chance of your site being banned and you won't have to
wait weeks and weeks for your site to appear in the search results.
By getting a single backlink to your site, all of the major search engines
will be able to find your website. These include Google, Yahoo, MSN & Ask
About The Author: Chris Angus is a freelance writer and journalist. He is
available for hire and website promotion. http://